Hello folks! In today's blog we are going to talk about Reiki! On our latest episode we interviewed Dani Margeaux, a Reiki Practitioner. She talked to us about her immigrant upbringing and how she decided to become a spiritual healer. She also gave us a brief explanation of this healing modality. To learn more about what she had to say, listen to episode 59: https://www.highvibesandamic.blog/episodes/episode/22255f3f/episode-59-understanding-reiki-and-how-itcan-help-you-heal
Reiki is a form of healing therapy and it originated in Japan. Reiki practitioners believe there is a life force energy that runs through every living creature and when this flow gets disrupted your mind and body connection also get impacted, resulting in an imbalance.
You are going to notice this imbalance when you feel stressed, with lack of energy, impatient or angry more often. You are probably going to notice that at a physical level as well. If you are in tune with yourself you will know when your energy is "off" and when it's time to look for a healing modality to help you recalibrate your energy.
According to Dani, if you "don't heal things within you, like your emotions etc. they can get stuck and manifest as something physically". For instance, sometimes you might wonder why you got sick with the flu, why you have a bad sore throat or a bad headache. That might be because your chakras are blocked and need to be cleansed/healed. They are trying to get your attention!
If you think you can relate maybe you could give Reiki a try. We know how overwhelming life can be with work, raising families, relationships and so on. And if you'd like to have a session with Dani, her contact information are included in the episode's show notes.
That's it for today, friends! Thank you for all your support and please leave us a review if you can! That helps our show grow!
Cheers and have a great week!
Veronique and Silvia